Pensacola Area Northwest Florida

Property Investment and Management

850-725-RARE (7273)



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1. Why should we Choose RareXperience to Sell our Home?
2. Why should we do business with RareXperience, LLC.?
3. What are the costs?
4. I have heard many bad things about Property managers
5. What is a Simultaneous Listing?
6. What if something breaks or goes wrong in the property?
7. What if the Tenant caused the problem?
8. What is emergency work?

1. Why should we Choose RareXperience to Sell our Home?

a. In a word Service. If you desire a high level of service regardless of the nature of your transaction we will provide it. We understand whether you are Selling a Million Dollar Home or Sixty Thousand Dollar home it is an important transaction to you...
Some agencies see the $1,000,000. as being able to "hold-out" for the right buyer, when the realty is they can be just as anxious for a sale as the someone selling for much less.
The same is true of the reverse situaiton at $60,000. some agencies may not understand that an aggressive marketing approach is necessary to attract a buyer to the home, so they hold back…We NEVER hold back.

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2. Why should we do business with RareXperience, LLC.

a. We do Good Business with traditional values often lost in today's competitive global market place. We do not use teaser rates that limit the exposure of your property; nor do we promise to pay you money that was yours in the first place! We know that Flash goes fast, but remember Slow & Steady won the race.

b. Call their office this Saturday, Sunday or weekdays after 5pm and to see how easy it is to see a property or get information on a listing from an agent. See how long or it takes them return your phone call... Ask to see their listing as Agents see it, is it complete or a lot of blanks an unanswered questions.

c. Because of our processes are strong and our sole focus is the protection of your interest as a buyer, seller or investment property owner.

d. We can lead or follow; we work for you! By actively listening, questioning and sometimes challenging we make sure Your Goals + Our Expertise = Your Desired Results. We do not come and begin telling you what to do…We listen 1st! Then make suggestions based on our experiences and knowledge, but ultimately as long as you are acting in a legally compliant & ethical way we will support your agenda.

e. We provide options. If you are selling your home We have multiple options and ways we can help you, if you are a buyer we make sure you see every potential home that meets your criteria and make sure you consider things such as school zones even though you do not have school age children. We know Real Estate, let us get to know you and together we will meet your Real Estate objectives.

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3. What are the costs?

a. See Price Page -----------NEEDS LINK -----------------

b. Zero upfront costs for our traditional Service clients (Buyers, Sellers & Owners of Rental Properties). We do not use teaser rates that limit the exposure of your property; nor do we promise to pay you money that was yours in the first place!

c. Buying a home there is no cost from us to the buyer. We only ask for an exclusive contract to represent you as a buyer.

d. If you are selling your home the commission rate is 5%, which can be split between the buyers agent, your listing agent & broker. We charge Zero upfront costs. We only ask for an exclusive listing contract.

e. For Property Management. That really depends on your property. When we don't have a client looking for a property such as yours our monthly fee is 10% of the rental rate and half of the 1st months rent.

f. But when we have a tenant that's already interested in a clients property and we don't incur the costs associated with advertising a property, multiple showings and screenings, we pass those savings onto our owners and are always willing to work and find values that are fair and work for the Owner & tenant, while allowing for our services.

g. If our fee is truly the only obstacle.., then there are no obstacles-- we have a program that will work for virtually all investors. As your or Your area manager will be able to discuss your monthly income needs our service. We never strip down or service because we are big believers in the importance of strong processes. Our business model allows for flexibility, especially when we have saved on costs, we pass those on to the owner.

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4. I have heard many bad things about Property managers

a. Yes, we Sale Real Estate and Manage Rental Properties. Some Agencies Manage Real Estate in an effort to sell more properties... Think about it.

Would you have your oil changed & car tuned up at a company that actually specializes & focuses ton Engine Replacements? The knowledge is there, but the focus is clearly not on the service you need. As your car waits for tune-up, what happens when an engine replacement rolls in with 300% more profit potential?

b. One of our final products to market is Property Management.. Because of this our processes are very strong and our sole focus can be on the protection and management of your investment/Rental property.

c. During a 12 Month lease, even with no service calls or payment issues, We are in your property 6 times and there is no way to possibly understand how a property is being used and treated without walking through the doors... We do that 6 times in 12 months. We don't just collect your rent we protect your assets!

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5. What is a Simultaneous Listing?

a. Having a property listed for Sale and For Rent at the same time. This does not require same company have the Rental and Sales agreement and creates no conflict with an existing Sales Contract. If your property is listed for Sale, we can still help you with your rental efforts.

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6. What if something breaks or goes wrong in the property?

a. Whenever there is an issue on property that's not a clear emergency, such as fire, busted water line, medical emergencies and etc., We start by sending a GRP Representative, or Property Manager to the property to assess the problem and cause. We then communicate the problem to the owner along with suggested courses of action and after the Owner approves an action we proceed to get the item fix.

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7. What if the Tenant caused the problem?

a. When we send service personnel to a property after the job is complete we require a Service-Call Form be completed. It asks the service person not to place blame, but to identify the cause of the problem, i.e. Normal Wear, weather, improper use or maintenance and if they are responsible for it they are required to pay invoice in a disclosed amount of time. We hold them accountable and do not perform any non-emergency work without your approval….We work for you!

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8. What is emergency work?

a. We define Emergency Work as any occurrence, which is specifically addressed by Title VI, which is the Statute that governs Land-lord Tenant Laws in Florida. Examples are broken water line, another interruption of utility service, Door/lock issues, Pest control in certain circumstance and things of that nature.

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RealtyEqual Opportunity     RareXperience Property Investments, Inc  850-725-RARE
     431 Airport Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32503

  Proudly Serving the Florida Panhandle
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